Movies directed by j-michael-long

Alien Crash Retrievals

Alien Contact: Outer Space

Alien Messiah

Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati

Alien Artifacts: The Outer Dimensions

Alien Artifacts: Pyramids, Monoliths and Marvels

Project Blue Book Exposed


Aliens at the Pentagon

Alien Chronicles Top Ufo Encounters

Alien Worlds: Giants and Hybrids

Abducted by Aliens: UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind

Aliens, Cryptids and Creatures: Top Ten Real Monsters

Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter

A Race of Giants

Bridgewater Triangle: Paranormal Vortex

Ancient Aliens and the New World Order

UAP: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena